Calling it a trait won't change the sad mindset of the community that recessiveness equals desirable.
Most people don't value Red Tabbies and they are essentially the same as gen furs since they are retired and the most dominant in the current offering of furs and the fur is retired, so it can't hide in starters.
The fact that we are having a discussion about making gen furs traits speaks to the heart of the matter. It is trying to game the system to make people value something for the wrong reasons. As a community, we need to start celebrating the beauty of the combined traits that a breeder puts together, not the trait count. We do this to ourselves.
Personally, I love pretty much every one of the most recent Gen Release of Eyes and Furs, to the point of preferring them over several of the most recessive furs and eyes that sell for tons more.
And as for these dying out... that won't happen as long as I have something to do with it or as long as no one breaks me of my hording habit.... I have a few of every Gen Fur and Gen eye released so far
In most cases I have tons.