(02-29-2016 09:58 AM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: To still have, and actively breed the older Genesis furs requires a level of commitment and dedication which, if one considers it, is far beyond the level required for any other trait value.
Yet, still, in general, with only vary rare exception, the original Genesis furs are not counted as traits.
Yay! I also 'vote' yes to counting these older Genesis furs as traits! What fun to be able to see them again --- and with the bonus addition of some of the interesting new traits we have now.
(I am rarely in SL these days, though I still breed a few KittyCatS purely for fun. Over the years, during cattery purges for the menagerie, I made sure to save kitties and/or boxes with each of the Genesis I furs. Recently, I unpacked a Genesis I Diamond teacup for breeding, with the hope/wish that I might get a Mega of that fur. For some reason, the idea of meshing my sentimental affection for the early days of KC with a 'new' Mega size held an amusing appeal for me.)