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Forum Posting Issues
11-09-2015, 08:47 PM
Post: #1
Forum Posting Issues
Hello all,

If you (as I have) had problems using the enhanced features on the Forum, I've found a solution thanks to an in depth discussion with Kittie Ooodles (may she be blessed) and help from other CSRs.

I was never able to write posts wherein I could choose a font, text size, bold, underline, colour, [/size][/font]etc.

It turns out that Firefox, my default web browser does not support those options.

It was suggested that I try Google Chrome (which I hate for security reasons) or Internet Exploder (even worse). The following final suggestion works!

Assuming you're using Firestorm, navigate to Preferences / Network & Files. Select 'Use built-in browser for all links'.

Firefox is still my default browser but when I want to post to the Forum, I click on a cattery dock, choose 'Cat to SL', 'Go to page'. Once there, I navigate to the Forum and create my post.

All the text options work!

Kjerstin Resident

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Forum Posting Issues - Kjerstin Resident - 11-09-2015 08:47 PM
RE: Forum Posting Issues - Tad Carlucci - 11-09-2015, 10:38 PM

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