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I know this isn't a new topic....
10-12-2015, 09:32 AM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2015 09:33 AM by Buum Jansma.)
Post: #18
RE: I know this isn't a new topic....
"I have a dream......"
Yes i agree dumping kittycats for low prices is hurting the market and also the comunity.
But ok, i know not everyone agree with me, thats your good right to have your own opinion.
Everyone is free to do whatever he-she wants to do, but how can we find a solution???
Is there a way to go both will feel fine??? i am scared there will not be a final solution, cause there will Always be people that will have a different opinion and go their own way.

I Think the USERS of kittycats will not get to a solution without the help of the CREATORS:
would it make sence when menagerie your Kitty you would get more dollars???

Who is going to pay the price for this solution????
Would people be ok to pay 5-10% more for the kittycats products to get the bill payed for the menagerie kitty's???

WARNING: Feel free to shoot me, i just buy a bullet proof suit Smile
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RE: I know this isn't a new topic.... - Buum Jansma - 10-12-2015 09:32 AM

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