RE: I know this isn't a new topic....
I don't think this is a thing that's EVER going to be resolved. People charge what they want for their kitties PERIOD!! As someone who has never sold a kitty in her breeding life time nor attempted to, this kind of post on forums is not really that helpful. I keep a close eye on things in KC as I still breed and one day I might ACTUALLY get around to selling one of my kitties (or at least attempt to). All this "he said", "she said", "he did", "she did" is like nursery time and from Adults, it's very said to see. So here are the facts from someone who breeds but isn't invested in selling.
Fact One: The Good Old Days of KittyCatS! where you could charge large prices for kitties HAS GONE !!! Prices on new traits bottom out quicker than the Titanic sunk.
Fact Two: No matter how many times this subject of "Pricing" is rehashed, no-one is going to agree and it really ISN'T going to affect those offending by selling cats at lower prices.
Fact Three: Supply and demand. If there wasn't anyone buying the cheaper cats, there wouldn't be a demand for them.
Fact Four: No every one in KC is rich. Some people make ZERO and run at a lose. Some people just breed for the love of breeding (that's me), some do it to break even on what they pay out on the kitties. Then you have those who make a little profit and save up to buy more expensive kitties. Then you have those who are in it for the Profit ONLY!!!.
At the end of the day, you can come on here, whines as much as you like, stir up a few hornets nests, get a few people#s back's up thinking you are talking about them but really, you think that it's going to change something ?? The long and short of it is, NO it isn't going to change so you just gotta suck it up and get on with it. Simple as.
Sorry not really done comments before and I can be a little brutal with my honesty but this isn't meant to offend anyone and if I did offend you, then sorry but at the end of it, it's true. Breed for the love of breeding, NOT to see how much money you can make out of it.