RE: Updated 9/13 "AUCTION OF PEACE" Sept 21 International Peace Day!
We have kittys coming in now for the AUCTION OF PEACE and they are FANTASTIC!
Limited Edition kittys, some even purmapetted, 9T's, Recessives, Collections, Rare!
The generosity of the Kitty!Cats Community always blows me away but its been making me teary! This is such a good cause and I know every little bit counts. Please keep sending your kittys...if you send them we will sell them!
ALL the proceeds will be going to the Charity.
We have ...soo far... about 25+ panels of EVERY KIND OF KITTY! We have 3 raffle boards, 2 automatic GIFT GIVERS to go off every 5 mins, 7 AMAZING AUCTIONEERS and as I said unbelievably FABULOUS kittys!
Please join us and be a part of the AUCTION of PEACE... we CAN help change the world we live in.