
09-10-2015, 01:26 PM
RE: Newbie post
I am new also, and just learning. Thank you for this informative post.
I am also curious - how do you get that banner in the sig to update with your latest kitten?
(09-09-2015 03:26 PM)Kayla Woodrunner Wrote: It is about dominance. MsMagick brought up the Saga's chart which helps you to determine dominance.
Each parent has 1 shown and 1 hidden per trait (fur, eyes, tail, ears, whiskers)
Each parent passes 1 to the child
The child gets 2, 1 from each parent -- the 1 that shows will be the most dominant one, so the hidden 1 is the most recessive one
So if you start breeding to get certain results, remember 2 rules
1 + 1 = 2 (1 from each parent)
Dominant is always on top (most dominant shows)
Genesis traits are the most dominant traits. Starter cats show all genesis traits but they hide nongenesis traits.
it's like the brown eyes and blue eyes stuff you learned in high school
Example with fur
Starter Cat A has Genesis Domino Fur shown = A
it has a nongenesis fur hidden = a
lets pretend for now that hte hidden fur is Bengal Tawny
So Starter Cat A has fur Aa aka Domino/Bengal Tawny
Starter Cat B has Genesis Domino Fur shown = B
it has a nongenesis fur hidden = b
lets pretend for now that hte hidden fur is Russian Black which is recessive to Bengal Tawny (see Saga's chart)
Starter Cat B has fur Bb
So each of hte following combos have a 25% chance of happening (and the baby can only pass those 2 traits it receives, not all traits of all parents)
AB, aB, Ab, ab
so you can get
AB Domino/Domino-- a double genesis domino fur baby, Domino fur shows and is hidden both
aB Bengal Tawny/Domino -- Domino fur will show, Bengal Tawny will hide
Ab Domino/Russian Black -- Domino will show, Russian Black will hide
ab Bengal Tawny/Russian Black -- Bengal Tawny will show, Russian Black will hide
Notice in the above 4 possibilities, you only see the Domino fur on 75% of the babies even though they did receive other furs as well. In the final 25% you do see Bengal Tawny but you can't see the Russian Black but the Russian Black is there and can be passed. This is why people often breed children to their parent or siblings togeter
Example you have to 2 sibiings
Sister Ab Domino/Russian Black -- Domino will show, Russian Black will hide
Brother ab Bengal Tawny/Russian Black -- Bengal Tawny will show, Russian Black will hide
now the sibling children possibilities are
Aa, Ab, ba, bb
Aa Domino shown/Bengal Tawny hid
Ab Domino shown, Russian Black hid
ba Russian Black hid/ Bengal Tawny shown
bb Russian Black shown, Russian Black hid
See how in the 2nd generation, you were able to bring out the Russian black fur by breeding brother and sister? Also see how the odds change -- now you have a 50% chance to see the nonDomino fur
You can also do this much faster if you had bred the starter cat to a nongenesis cat in the first place. That is why people breed starter cats to their nonstarter cats like the Foxie salt and peppers or dark chocolate abyssinians paced with more recessive traits -- it is much faster to see what the starter cats hides.
Sorry if it was a bit long but I hope it clarifies things for you.
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