Yes my ex-BF said something like this recently but i blanked off as usual when he starts on about programming, systems and statistics. ( It cost me to tell him i was breeding virtual kitties but it made his day
I was wondering how many generations it took for predictable patterns to start so i did an extremely rough and quick (over -) calcul of 5 - 7,000,000 boxes having been generated since KCs started. Now that seems huge but i wouldn't have thought that much for predictable patterns to start appearing, especially with today's super-servers.
My boy/girl runs seemed to last roughly 6 weeks untill 5/6 months ago when the girls seemed to take over more but not at such an overwhelming rate as before , howevever at a glance at my birthed kitties that remain in my ownership are at
? 138
? 131, the 771 boxes i can't know about of course.
*My ex at work :