Time to reboot
Yes, folks it's time to reboot the KittyCatS game.
No, not the breeding .. the servers.
Charm asked me why so many people would complain for so long recently about long runs of males and females.
The pseudo-random number generators on computers can't run forever. At some point, the mathematics inside them breaks down into predictable patterns.
So, if there really are so many people having such long runs of results, it's time to reboot the operating systems upon which the web sites and database engines run so that a new entropy seed is used and the pseudo-randomness upon which the game depends returns to appearing to be random!
ETA: No, this won't guarantee you'll get a male to go with that female. As one who understands statistics, I *expect* to see surprisingly long runs. But when I start seeing them more than expected .. as a systems administrator .. I know that probably means I've generated too many random numbers from the same entropy seed and it's time to reboot the systems.