Hello all, This is my 9 Year Old !!! My Little Love Bug !!! Protective, Loyal, Loveable, My baby!
I don't remember when this was, In Feb 2012. sometime Im guessing. Was the first time I let her on me after my surgery.
She was happy to once again lay on me like this lol ! Had to take a picture of it.
Love that little girl!
And her Sister, 13 Years old. She's full of Purrs and Love, she cuddles me and puts me to sleep on those nights I can't sleep.
She's an awesome cat, so much love. Friendly and Loveable.These little buggers need to live much longer then they do.
They are both very special to me and i'm SUPER LUCKY to have them in MY LIFE
Too Adorable a KittyCatS Breedable Market, Adoption & Love Tables, Collectables, Confetti - Since 2011