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KittyCatS SL12B Decoration Contest Winners!!
07-04-2015, 10:32 AM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2015 11:22 AM by Kitten Longmeadow.)
Post: #1
KittyCatS SL12B Decoration Contest Winners!!
Here are our KittyCatS SL12b Decoration Contest Winners!!!!

1st place Icestron Resident public vote 19 panel vote 19 TOTAL 38
2nd place Rhiannon Titanium public vote 18 panel vote 16 TOTAL 34
2nd place Kayla Woodrunner public vote 15 panel vote 19 TOTAL 34
3rd place Ginaass Resident public vote 17 panel vote 15 TOTAL 32
4th place Lixy Byron public vote 7 panel vote 20 TOTAL 27
4th place Audriannavon Resident public vote 16 panel vote 11 TOTAL 27

As you can see it was VERY close, I had a really hard time to give my votes and I know from other panel voters they struggled too as you did again such an AMAZING job!!!

Congrats to all!!!

And thanks for being a part of the SL12B event!!!

Your KittyCatS Team
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 Thanks given by: MsMagick Resident , Audriannavon Resident , Icestron Resident , Maxwell Grantly , fabioazevedo Oh , Winter Phoenix , Dimpz Morane
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KittyCatS SL12B Decoration Contest Winners!! - Equinox Pinion - 07-04-2015 10:32 AM

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