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Loooooooots of kitties with no prices
05-19-2015, 07:35 AM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2015 07:39 AM by Devilness Chant.)
Post: #9
RE: Loooooooots of kitties with no prices
(05-18-2015 11:30 PM)Winter Phoenix Wrote:  

Pricing Hud?

Is this the same gadget Tad was complaining about?

Do you select your prices and the Hud fills in the blank on the cat
or does the Hud try to set the prices for you?

I copied part of this from the other thread. It pretty much explains it. It's only meant as a tool to help give some ideas of what the going rate is for your kitties traits.

I don't think it's the Holy Pricing Grail of kc market, but I find it quite helpful and not that expensive.

It gives two prices I can use. A high and low. Like the worth of the traits, and the going market rates.

It's still my choice what I want to price my kitties at, but it gives me an idea what to price them at. I had some nice kitties out for 500L cause I had no clue what to price them at. They're worth more so I just went up a bit to get closer to the low price on the hud. If I feel my kitty is worth more I can choose in between the prices given. But at least it gives me a range to work from. It's nice because I'm not over pricing or underpricing.

You do have to add in for hidden traits. It only prices the traits shown. So I can add in a few more lindens if it's a better trait or maybe type in all the traits replacing hiddens in chat and copy paste that. It has a lot of possibilities.

This is an example of one of the kitties I priced for 500L. You copy paste the shown traits into a window pop up from the hud and get this.

[06:27] KittyCat$ Calculator - MiniHud:
รข?? New Born Kitten

Fur: Bengal - Black
Eyes: Gerbera Blue (shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Illume
Tail: Mysterious
Ears: Odyssey Rounded Fold
Whiskers: Black (shape: Plush)
Size: Normal
Found Traits: [9] Traits, [0] Genesis Trait.
This Kitten has some of the latest traits!

Estimated Price: 1350 L$
Current Market-Value: 878 L$
[NEW] (Retired) shows the retired traits!

The kitty hides more traits, but I decided to go with shown. And raised the price to 800L. You see it's still my choice what to price at and it's still low for market rate, but it's not too low that I'm just giving it away.

I wanted to add that the scriptor has ppl going threw the markets and shops to get prices and they compile the info, do math that hurts my head, and updates the prices every week. So as prices drop the hud shows the new prices and you can adjust accordingly.

Devine Kitty Stuff MarketPlace
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RE: Loooooooots of kitties with no prices - Devilness Chant - 05-19-2015 07:35 AM

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