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Enough about the bad stuff
05-09-2015, 01:02 PM
Post: #2
Big Grin RE: Enough about the bad stuff
What a great idea!
So I want to share what an awesome time we had at the new Friday Midnight Snack Auction with Amber @ Too Adorable Kitties
Some awesome cats went under the hammer and it was great to see so many wonderful people turn out for the event and even better to be able to say we didn't send a single kitty home again, laughs, well we did but all to new homes.
So looking forward to the Saturday Midnight Snack in its new home at the same location and yep this is a shameless plug for my awesome Twinnie and her awesome auctions.
Did I forget to menton how AWESOME it is Big Grin

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RE: Enough about the bad stuff - Arwen Swordthain - 05-09-2015 01:02 PM

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