There are still so many adorable kitties in the pop-up shop!! Unfortunately, this is the last time I'll be able to put out virtually free cats for the loyal customers to my shops.

People have been taking the free and 25L 9T kitties I put out as gifts for my friends and sending them to the Menagerie, and not even tipping.
This is upsetting to me, as I hate the Menagerie, and I hate when you can't be nice because people take advantage. But don't worry....I'll still find ways to have special gifts for my friends and frequent visitors!
The cats at the pop-up shop are a steal, and are great for new breeders especially! Quite a few I know started their cattery with my pop-up kitties, and I love to see family lines continue all across the grid. Of course, the main store is still up and running and you'll still find me at auctions...but I love my little pop-up shop and all the friends I've made through it!!
Also, I'm updating and Spring Cleaning my cattery!! I have some boys that are stuck at 100%, so if you have a 100% female looking for a fun mystery breeding (I always love not knowing what kitty is going to appear in the box! *lol*), IM me in-world (guenevere.amaranth) and we'll talk!
Visit me soon!
*~ Guen