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Old Cats in Pedigree Page
03-15-2012, 02:10 PM
Post: #4
RE: Old Cats in Pedigree Page
When the pedigree-page first came out, I noticed an odd cat listed as mine - a genesis domino with mysterious tail. I was absolutely sure that I never had a cat like that, and ended up writing a ticket... And as it turned out, the cat HAD indeed been mine, actually it was one of the first ever cats I had, but I had deleted it within 24 hours of getting it - and hence it kept being listed as mine in the system. KittyCatS returned it, it had 100% love, so it had a kitten with a fancy female, and now lives happily ever after in menagerie :-)

-This was before Menagerie even existed, btw - so at that time, I suppose there were many "stray" cats in the system Wink -But yeps, that's what happens when you delete instead of menagerie. Poor kitty gets lost in cyberspace :O
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RE: Old Cats in Pedigree Page - Saga Felix - 03-15-2012 02:10 PM

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