(03-31-2015 05:30 PM)Illuminatra Resident Wrote: Just so that I am clear, I know that it is not possible to force breeders to use pedigrees. I opened this thread, because I thought it was important for all breeders to know how important pedigrees are to everyone, especially when you're selling cats. Thank you for all of the replies to this thread. As you can see, pedigrees are very useful and important to all of us.
(I just wanted to be clear, because I didn't want to sound like a b*tch by saying "everyone open pedigrees." I know it's not possible to force anyone to do anything)
Agreed! I would also never suggest that Market Owners require their tenants do to it, and am not sure why anyone would consider that a possibility. Providing helpful hints like this on a notecard would be a really nice gesture, but I certainly wouldn't expect it either.
Rather, it's important for anyone selling KittyCats to know how to turn on In World Pedigrees, and to understand how doing so is useful and meaningful to customers.
Ultimately, it's the sellers choice and responsibility, but they should understand that whether they do so or not can have an affect on potential buyers.