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Pedigree page doesn't show gender, why is that?
03-31-2015, 05:53 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2015 06:03 PM by MsMagick Resident.)
Post: #9
RE: Pedigree page doesn't show gender, why is that?
Thanks! *nods* I remember that someone said that, back in the Kitty Dark Ages, they had to ask for the gender to be on the box. I can only imagine how crazy it would be to know you needed a girl, but to not know what you were getting until it was unpacked. I'm kind of glad to have come into this later and to not to be telling the stories of "walking 10 miles uphill barefoot in the snow". :-)

And no repackers either? I might have given up!

(Thanks, KittyCats, once again for free Repackers ...and Break Free bottles, for that matter!)

* * *
The Magick Cattery

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RE: Pedigree page doesn't show gender, why is that? - MsMagick Resident - 03-31-2015 05:53 PM
RE: Pedigree page doesn't show gender, why is that? - VaporeonChan Resident - 04-10-2015, 02:26 AM

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