UPDATE: The problem with getting into the space has been solved! Thanks to those who have visited, and new cats will be added at midnight!
Hey everyone!!
About 2 days away from opening my store, the people we were renting our sim from took the island offline. LL gave us 24 hours to get our stuff, and fortunately, no cats, horses, or Dwarfins were harmed!! We have a new place to live now, but it will take a bit to set everything up again.
In the meanwhile, I have a pop-up store going on over at Ivy Lane! All kittens are priced from $25L-150L, and there's a free 9T hiding! There are also two male live kittens at 100% love! They are "pay what you can"...if you just want to use the kitten to mate and return to me, go ahead! If you want to keep him for your collection, that's wonderful, too!!
I will be replacing kittens as they sell, so do check back throughout the week!
There are some incredible deals; all I ask is you show some consideration to the tip jar if you find a hidden gem, or just want to show support for our rebuild! I'm sharing some love with the community, so pass it on, and also take a look around Ivy's lovely sim!
:heart:Visit Guenevere's Kitty Camelot's Pop-Up Shop over at Ivy Lane!
*~ Guen