RE: Kitty got lost after detaching
The group problem is whatever group tag you have on when you ATTACH the item is the group it's set to. Setting the group tag through edit doesn't work properly even on rezzed items. I realized this when trying to rez something from a HUD on group rez only land, I got the can't rez not allowed mesage. So I put on the right tag and still couldn't. Checked what group the hud was set to and it wasn't right it was the last group. Sooo I changed the group to the right group BUT the problem is the objects inside have to be set to the right group ALSO.... So it still wouldn't work until I detached and reattached the hud wearing the correct group tag. It is not possible to change the group setting on the objects inside an object, they take after the object itself when attached or rezzed. The only way around this is to always double check parcel settings AND group tag before rezzing.