RE: Collectibles
Ivy and Alansaqui know whats up.
The odds are almost impossible to find a 'Rainy day' mega on a mall shelf for 790 lindens.
Unless they screw up pricing it!
The odds are slightly better than impossible to pull a rainy day mega out of
the factories random cat dispenser at the main store.
Since you can score the latest collectable for cheaper on the street,
in the colours of your choosing,
why bother pulling the same yellow cat out of the stores machine
three times in a row looking for a green?
You wouldnt.
The snack pack of kibbles and a free LOVE:5 isnt worth stacking up
a pile of unwanted colors.
Which must mean those folks selling the latest collectables for cheap have been hunting for sizes,
and tossing the leftovers on their shelves priced for a quick sale.
A plus for the consumer on a budget!
Of course, buy from the mall and now your stuck paying 5k for a mega,
Best of luck!
![[Image: DERKITTEHMILLlogosmallest.jpg]](
Soylent Green is KitteH!