RE: Karloff is dumb (and needs help with breeding)
whisker and shade : remember only one can hide
ears : correct, but remember 'or more recessive' since there is also a chance of that
the only way to get'significantly better than average' is pure. back breeding, or careful line crossing as i used above can produce provably pure. strict line breeding can only produce 'apparently pure' .. in other words, it may be pure, and be 'better than average' or it may not and only be 'average' .. and you wont know which until it pops out to bite you, which can be several generations down the line.
remember .. there is NO effect from history. the parents either have or have-not .. the odds of a parent passing are always 50/50 .. once the box appears it's cast in stone .. 'pure' is the only case where you don't care because both are the same. 'pure' is still 50/50 (average) it only appears 100% (that is 'better than average) because you cant tell the difference between the hidden and shown.