I hope they're being paid at least a few lindens. KittyCatS isn't a charity. I used to be a rep and do hours and hours of work for a large SL group. It was non-profit and I still got a few lindens out of the deal, which honestly did help smooth over some of the why-am-I-doing-this crap that happens on some days. And my time was worth being paid for - it was done as a hobby and I was on a hobby pay-scale, not RL pay-scale. But still, a few lindens shows that they are being appreciated.
I think chatty and a casual Friday sort of dress code (versus prim pencil skirts - unless they Want to wear prim pencil skirts) is nice.
Edited to add: They wouldn't have to be paid in lindens. I can see working for permapet potion could be very attractive.
The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.