I wish to thank all those who posted on this thread and appreciate Callie's post for clearing up the situation.
Sometimes in life when we make mistakes they can have a ripple effect and sometimes when we dont look at both sides of the story we go off with the mistaken belief that someone has been wronged and I will always fight and try and protect those who have been wronged. In this case I didnt take my own advice and I didnt listen to both sides of the happening.
I apologise for quoting certain things in the forums here and in the kittycats chat which were wrong, after clarifications my crusade has come to a big stop.
I apologise to Callie, Equinox, KittyCat & Kitten for the assumptions I had made about the KittyCats bosses, the accusations that I made were incorrect and I apologise for those as well.
I do love the KittyCats company, and especially Callie, Eqinox, KittyCat and Kitten they have given us one incredible invention, the kitties.
To Emilia Darkwatch, I did post an apology to you as well in IM and then found out you had blocked me. Although that has no effect on me at all as I dont know you, I do hope someone who knows you will send you my apology, I had been on the wrong track and I did value your opinions. Thank you again for the IM.
This is the apology I have posted in the KittyCats Group Chat:
Ok where to start....I was told certain things from a few of the CSRs and I honestly believed what they had said, and how it had been said....I will always fight what I think are injustices but after fighting sometimes one finds out that the crusade they were on wasnt what it was made out to be...Do I still trust those people I had spoken to? Damn right I do but now with clearer eyesight I was misdirected in my approach.....I want to thank Callie for the talk with just had, I want to apologise to Callie, Eqinox, Kitten and KittyCats for what was said. I love the Kittycats company, the CSRs and even the bosses ..
Take care everyone,
well said. Everyone is in SL to have a good time, and that includes people who have a job there.
And do remember that those CSRs don't get paid for their work, they do it a as a community service and for the love of helping and cats. Why shouldn't they be allowed to have fun while doing so?
It seems to me that a CSR represents the company. If the company wants to appear courteous and professional, that's their option.
Personally, I think it speaks well of KittyCatS that their CSR staff works promptly, treats everyone with courtesy, and dresses neatly.
(11-30-2014 11:06 AM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: [ -> ]It seems to me that a CSR represents the company. If the company wants to appear courteous and professional, that's their option.
Personally, I think it speaks well of KittyCatS that their CSR staff works promptly, treats everyone with courtesy, and dresses neatly.
Tad that's just it, our CSRs are professional when it comes to the help they give others, and they do dress well in their casual clothing. If we were in the real world I would agree with you, but not here in SL, why do we have to conform to the real world.
In the real world I own a few restaurants and other businesses and yes they have to dress according to the workplace but I instill in them that I want my businesses to have a friendly atmosphere. Where people can ask questions and get a friendly answer and my staff do joke around with the customers. Of course in some businesses they cant be like that.
I truly believe in SL yes it's a business, yes they are workers but what does it say about the company when potential customers comment on how the staff look like someone from the Brady Bunch? Or how they look like Private Secretaries?
If there were two shops, both selling the same things in SL for both the same prices...one of the shops has very efficient staff who will answer customers in a prim and short answer. Very Professional....The other shop's staff are very efficient as well when answering the questions and are also very helpful but its done with a smile, the customer is made to feel welcome and they demonstrate how megapusses can be ridden, unlike the first shop that tells you they can be.....I for one know which shop I would continue to go to and that shop would get my full recommendations.
CSRs are a representative of KittyCats this is true, but what a great way to welcome the customers. Answering customers queries on top of a pink chateau megapuss that has pink glasses, its a great talking point. I have been there when other customers have been and the customers are laughing and enjoying the visit and the CSR at the time actually sold a HUD and a auto server to someone who was only "looking around". Isnt this what we want?
More sales sold with a smile

I think that our CSR'S are very professional. I think that they need to be treated with a great deal of respect. I have heard people say they don't like the casual or lighhearted manner that some of the CSR'S use and I personally think those people need to take a step back and take a deep breath and remember that SL is somewhere we come to have fun. I LOVE Tabby for instance. She has always been enormously helpful and give the best answers she can based on the information she has BUT she can also joke and enjoy KittyCats with us. Kitten, is so incredibly fast and courteous and she always does her best to get the job done quickly and give us a gentle and energetic approach to KittyCats. I don't know many of the others well but we have damned good CSR'S in my opinion. I have been on other breedable Chats and find them snobby and too "tight". It feels like one can't even joke around or have fun on those chats and many times I have been enormously offended by the overly professional stuck up attitude they have. I THINK WE NEED TO GIVE OUR CSR'S A HUGE KUDO's and massive hugs and cat shapes.
Thank you Jwenting & Doubledareme for your posts, I am glad to see that others hold similar views to mine.
We all love our CSRs they are the most charming, the most funnest and the most knowledgeable workers the KittyCats company could have.
I admire anyone who will give up a few hours of a day to either sit in the chat room or stand around in the shop for no pay and yet be so cheerful, friendly and fun loving. They all do it willingly because they love the Company and the friendly atmosphere, sometimes the bosses of any company need to see the full picture and not just one corner of it.
Well done to all the CSRs
Rheaven Tussaud
I hope they're being paid at least a few lindens. KittyCatS isn't a charity. I used to be a rep and do hours and hours of work for a large SL group. It was non-profit and I still got a few lindens out of the deal, which honestly did help smooth over some of the why-am-I-doing-this crap that happens on some days. And my time was worth being paid for - it was done as a hobby and I was on a hobby pay-scale, not RL pay-scale. But still, a few lindens shows that they are being appreciated.
I think chatty and a casual Friday sort of dress code (versus prim pencil skirts - unless they Want to wear prim pencil skirts) is nice.
Edited to add: They wouldn't have to be paid in lindens. I can see working for permapet potion could be very attractive.
Did I miss something? Is there some new rule that CSR's have to wear business suits and ... eek? I hope there wasn't any whining against our dear CSR's, so generous with their time and so patient in answering all of our questions, and making sure no one feels foolish asking questions.
I second what Ivy said ..."I hope they're being paid at least a few lindens. KittyCatS isn't a charity." And what Dei said -- "We need to give our CSR's huge kudos" -- yes, yes.
Actually I am more comfortable visiting a shop where the CSR's are friendly and willing to exchange a few words about the product.
In stores, I tend to flee if there's an intimidating person dressed "better than me" who coldly and stiffly repeats formula words like, "May I help you find something? What are you looking for today? " It's usually the person in Bed, Bath and Beyond who won't let you browse, but who escorts you to the Towels and won't let you look at any Sheets. Then he/she gives you a choice of two towels and basically makes you feel like you'd better leave unless you choose one of the two towels. So I would react by fleeing.
In the KC store, i recently found myself "sticking around" longer than I would normally, because a CSR was there who made me feel welcome and engaged me in a little conversation (about the merchandise, yes, but in a way that did engage me).
I don't mind pencil skirts but I would hate to have that be some sort of a dress code. I would hope that's by choice. I guess I'd be unhappy if CSR's were wearing "adult" attire like latex, whips and chains, but they don't. KUDOS TO OUR CSR'S ! and big hugs and thanks to them! They deal tactfully with all sorts of problems. They help us every day.
Actually, thinking about the outfits,
I think it would be tremendously cute if the CSRs had the option of wearing Official KittyCatS ears (like a neko) as the SL equivalent of of wearing a Staff Badge that you see in some stores.
I wouldn't make anybody wear ears who didn't want to.

And I understand that, um... neko ears lack RL dignity. It would just be for fun.
hi all!!!
not sure what prompted this post but i will chime in...
nothing at all has changed since day one when we opened as far as our CSR's go. we have always encouraged them to "be themselves" and in that be kind, professional and friendly. we LOVE that our whole entire team from Equinox, KC Resident, myself, Kitten and all of the CSR's have a sense of humor and use it in our jobs!! where else would names like "guitar" whiskers and "bigger de big" come from w/o it being part of our sense of humor??? haha...
so rest assured, we encourage our CSR's to have fun AND be professional.

sometimes we all have to be cautious and walk a fine line... (me and Equinox have gone a little "overboard" in chat before and i won't fill you in if you missed it)
also, we have always given each CSR's a little "wardrobe" that's in their avatar's inventory to pick and choose from, mix and match in case you wondered about their clothing
we are a company and have our ideas of dress, conduct, etc and how we want to be presented and we LOVE finding people who love what we do and want to serve and help others and have fun doing it!
btw... i will never forget the story of when a CSR, (i think tabbie?) gave a customer with a broken leg a ride into the food section as he could not walk there... yes it's "sL" but he LOVED getting a ride on a MegaPuss to help him!!
so again rest assured, we aren't changing anything!!!