(11-19-2014 02:36 AM)Vrem Vaniva Wrote: Ah, it just occurs to me that ... SL gives one an opportunity to be a really really dumb person. In fact there are whole groups for that -- some of my friends, even, have "dumb blonde " groups listed in their profiles! It lets people take a vacation from having to be smart all the time.
While a select few in this group take apparent amusement in ignoring data, I will continue to run my 2 1/2 year old experiment with the same pure line - after all in time it should all even out - since the gender weight for each cat is identical, right?
I am just a dumb old experimental physicist who used their PhD to run experiments and publish papers about solid state phenomenon that theorists did not understand or have a valid theory for. Statistical analysis of data is something everyone must do before publishing, since peer review looks for gaps in one's reasoning. So I would not be expected to understand the trivial algorithms for pixel cats, and the data that a long term controlled experiment can produce. Silly me.