I already sent this in to sagakitty, this is what I believed was solid evidence that shows Wavy is recessive to Sassy whiskers, but the reply i got back is it is not proof of where Sassy whiskers lie as they already know they lie between Boo Boo and Fussy, and i needed to find proof of where it lies between those two traits. I'm not sure what I got wrong here, but I think this clearly shows Sassy whiskers being dominant to Wavy whiskers, and wavy whisker is the trait between Fussy and Boo Boo right? These are the same pedigrees I sent in. Please tell me what you think, am I wrong to think that Wavy hides behind the Sassy whiskers?
I think this shows that Wavy hides behind the Sassy whiskers.
It appears to me that again Smartie hides wavy whiskers behind the Sassy whiskers.