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Dominance Orders for furs, eyes & traits in Google Docs
12-18-2011, 07:27 AM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2023 06:57 AM by Saga Felix.)
Post: #1
Brick Dominance Orders for furs, eyes & traits in Google Docs
This thread has not been updated in some time, however I am leaving it pinned as it still contains useful links and information. Thanks! ~KL

--------EDIT - 2023:--------
The charts in this post haven't been updated in years. After I myself stepped down (around 2014, I think?), various people managed them for a few years, but it's a lot of work, and eventually the charts became outdated.

Today, I was actually surprised to see this thread is still here - pinned, even - but I guess that it's true what it says above: It still contains some useful information - mainly the "KittyCatS Basic Info - Mainly for beginners" (found in the folder below) plus the "Facts About KittyCatS Traits" and "Trait-Talk Transcript" that can be useful if you want to understand the "genetics" behind KittyCatS - and, by now, some history.

However, the charts themselves are outdated, so to avoid the misunderstandings that still happen sometimes, please go to the Breeding section of these forums and look for the forum-based charts there. People are still keeping those updated, so please support their work! It takes a lot of time and dedication, and those charts are invaluable.

Best of luck with the kitties, everyone!
Miro Felix (Formerly Saga)

-------Original Post, 2011:-------

Hey all,

I promised sooo long ago, that some day I'd get the lists done - and tadaa, here we go!
I created a collection of Google Docs with dominance order of traits, furs & eyes, plus a couple of other documents that people have been asking for.

The dominance-order lists are not done - they are a work in progress and always will be, as new furs and traits are released ever so often. That is why I finally (Thanks, Khea!) figured out Google Docs and "saw the light" - I can now update and correct everything, nothing gets outdated and no outdated notecards circulate the community Big Grin
You will find some of the newer furs etc. are missing, still - I have been gone from SL for a bit, so I rely on kind people to send me info so I can update Smile

Here's the links - I hope many will find them useful, and help keep them updated:

Saga's KittyCats Collection (All the documents in a folder)

The links for the individual documents are below:

Dominance Order, Eyes

Dominance Order, Furs

Dominance Order, Traits

Facts about KittyCatS Traits

Trait-Talk Transscript

Enjoy! <3


EDIT: Remember to refresh the page every now and again - some who use the documents a lot write to me with info that is already there, simply because they're looking at a cached (and hence outdated) version of the documents.
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 Thanks given by: Khea Karas , Vampiva Belfire , Nenya Eun , Kendrah Vantelli , Karen Veriander , anna Acanthus , Rainy Turbo , Aiyana Nirvana , Ocean Wade , Midi Reifsnider , Chloe Platini , Temptation Beaumont , Akitsuki Susanowa , sukibuki Resident , AmoreJade Cyberstar , Tashi Core , bigbritchz Topaz , Bea Shamrock , DrusillaRose Resident , Cyanide Pixie , penfold83 Resident , Uzion Shim , fleakats Resident , Wytchie Resident , dakillakm Resident , Shadowfaxx Resident , Sara Franco , Serena Stroikavskoi , Aurore Dreamscape , sandra pidgeon , Brandon Dawson , Revanna Mistwallow , Vrem Vaniva , Sorya Wind , Asrianis Resident , Sanura Snowpaw , feuquinorevo Resident , JazzFire Resident , Cori67 Resident , Auricula4 Resident , Neoban Resident , Nykera Amaterasu , poison Scribe , Andromeda Winterwolf , Maxwell Grantly , Shamballa Merlin , annlorene Resident , Diasonia Stransky , Amyah Silvercloud , SmartCooki Resident , PhilippMarcel Larsson , FelicityJean Resident , Aubreygrace Starlight , JC Aferdita , Rala Huckleberry , Chrisnix Hoxley , MadmanJohn Resident , TrueKittenAmore Resident , Winter Phoenix , AbriannaOceanside Resident , JoiIrui Resident , Isabelle Brucato , PoshJones Resident , Nox Starlight , Songdog Woolley , drNero Resident , Quantic Kimono , alyssalove54 Resident , xStormyx Resident , Mizaki Resident , 1GaJulia Resident , LovelyKisses89 Resident , Ryanna Enfield , Olgita Ruby , Kaleatah Resident , Bellpheobe Ivanovic , Sophiachacha Magic , L0nelyW0rld Resident , Lixy Byron , Milena18 Grau , Burke Benoir , Luna1987 Resident , Merle Mercury , HollyAnne Jonstone , CandyKissesUK Resident , RoxonAve Resident , Rarys Resident , Jada Humby , Aliana Rallier , LavitaLoca Vita , Cygnoir Blanc , Jiyulie Resident , Kayla Woodrunner , Sandie Lanley , namie Teardrop , MsMagick Resident , Keitha Ildor , Sesen Wingtips , BellaDonna Starflare , LyricaBlues Resident , fabioazevedo Oh , Beryl Landar , Rebekah Blitzstein , Ace243 Datura , Jhanelle Bonde , Unr34lity Resident , Primrose Nichols , Deidra Loring , Sabanna Moonshadow , effieduck Resident , KrystalClearly Resident , TasiaAmberRaeNaylise Resident , Jolita Korobase , Ancasta Resident , Larainia Resident , Luckylady Llewellyn , Izo Ryba , BessTudor Resident , wildblueviolet Sunset , Foxchase Pick
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Dominance Orders for furs, eyes & traits in Google Docs - Saga Felix - 12-18-2011 07:27 AM

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