OMG Kayla, if you only knew how this would put the cat amongst the pigeons !
To start with i don't think the KC team could host an event such as this as they would be accused of favoritism and god knows what else.
Also there's the fact that there are those discreet and anonymous people who have in various ways made enormous contributions over the years.
Gosh i'm lolling already just imagining the reactions and the err…reactivity(?) that this would stir up in the community. Not that i've done anything noteworthy but even if i had i certainly wouldn't want to be a candidate.
Your idea totally has my vote though as i do enjoy a good rhubarb
The thread you mention, "KittyCatS History: Who discovered what & when?" was in fact created by Deer Thistle, the OP of THIS thread and was certainly a much needed contribution and required much brain wracking and time consuming research .