07-21-2014, 07:18 PM
Hi! Long time, no talk!
I want to address an issue that is a bit troublesome in regards to the forum rating system. Sometimes it seems like people don't use it fairly to rate others' contributions, but to leave negative feedback for comments/posts that aren't really harmful. It feels like people wish to vent their disdain for another due to difference of opinions - I could list so many people who this applies to, unfortunately - or for personally disliking that individual in-world and utilizing the forum rating system as a platform to display that dislike to everyone else.
As I understood it, the feedback system is a system where others can be lauded for their KittyCatS contributions. I've seen people downrated because someone disagreed with their opinion, they didn't like their tone in a post (It's the feedback forum! Not all is going to be sunshine and kitties chasing butterflies!) and deem them trolling (Spoiler: Not everyone who has a bit of misunderstood humor and a different opinion than majority in the thread should be written off as a troll; their response is just as meaningful as any other person's), or had a prior issue with them somewhere else like KittyCatS Addicts and now want to demonstrate how much they don't like that person here by downrating them.
I've also recently seen individuals double-downrated by the same member within minutes; that's ridiculous. That's not really fair when they're a contributing member of KittyCatS whose tone may be a little different than the one you may like. In fact, I'd consider this abusing the rating system. I get that comprehending someone's tone plus an opinion differing from yours may make someone sound mean - it's the Internet after all, but that's no reason to downvote them when they're offering advice or warranted constructive criticism in a controversial topic or subforum that asks for such.
If people can't utilize downrate for something that's obviously legitimate such as being truly hurtful to another person without /anything/ constructive in their post, then I don't feel like we should have negative feedback. Perhaps in the future, KittyCatS can have only positive feedback enabled? The downrating is simply not working.
I also understood the rating system as a means to see who has contributed the most to the forums through helpful posts that can be referenced in their ratings, above and beyond the combination of forum join date and post count. I'd say nine times out of ten by glancing at the negative feedback of my fellow community members, it's really not warranted at all. It's a shame that their rating count is lowered due to these issues when they're actively contributing members of this community. Why should anyone be penalized for having a tone different than the one you are accustomed to, or an opinion different than the one you have regarding an issue, when they're still contributing all the same? Why should dislike for a person in-world affect their KittyCatS forum reputation rating?
For the sake of making everyone feel like their opinions matter no matter how they're presented and not making someone feel 'unwanted' or unwelcome on the forum, I'd suggest the removal of downrating. We should all feel entitled to be ourselves and present our opinions in our own ways without fearing repercussions because you may rub someone the wrong way through the frequent online misinterpretation. As stated before, in my opinion, downrating is just not working as intended.
Even if nothing remedies this issue, I hope that all those affected know that I appreciate reading your meaningful thoughts, no matter how different they are from my perspective or preferred tone.
Edit: Forum Rating System = Forum Reputation System. Sorry for any confusion as I forgot that the two terms are interchangeable.
I want to address an issue that is a bit troublesome in regards to the forum rating system. Sometimes it seems like people don't use it fairly to rate others' contributions, but to leave negative feedback for comments/posts that aren't really harmful. It feels like people wish to vent their disdain for another due to difference of opinions - I could list so many people who this applies to, unfortunately - or for personally disliking that individual in-world and utilizing the forum rating system as a platform to display that dislike to everyone else.
As I understood it, the feedback system is a system where others can be lauded for their KittyCatS contributions. I've seen people downrated because someone disagreed with their opinion, they didn't like their tone in a post (It's the feedback forum! Not all is going to be sunshine and kitties chasing butterflies!) and deem them trolling (Spoiler: Not everyone who has a bit of misunderstood humor and a different opinion than majority in the thread should be written off as a troll; their response is just as meaningful as any other person's), or had a prior issue with them somewhere else like KittyCatS Addicts and now want to demonstrate how much they don't like that person here by downrating them.
I've also recently seen individuals double-downrated by the same member within minutes; that's ridiculous. That's not really fair when they're a contributing member of KittyCatS whose tone may be a little different than the one you may like. In fact, I'd consider this abusing the rating system. I get that comprehending someone's tone plus an opinion differing from yours may make someone sound mean - it's the Internet after all, but that's no reason to downvote them when they're offering advice or warranted constructive criticism in a controversial topic or subforum that asks for such.
If people can't utilize downrate for something that's obviously legitimate such as being truly hurtful to another person without /anything/ constructive in their post, then I don't feel like we should have negative feedback. Perhaps in the future, KittyCatS can have only positive feedback enabled? The downrating is simply not working.
I also understood the rating system as a means to see who has contributed the most to the forums through helpful posts that can be referenced in their ratings, above and beyond the combination of forum join date and post count. I'd say nine times out of ten by glancing at the negative feedback of my fellow community members, it's really not warranted at all. It's a shame that their rating count is lowered due to these issues when they're actively contributing members of this community. Why should anyone be penalized for having a tone different than the one you are accustomed to, or an opinion different than the one you have regarding an issue, when they're still contributing all the same? Why should dislike for a person in-world affect their KittyCatS forum reputation rating?
For the sake of making everyone feel like their opinions matter no matter how they're presented and not making someone feel 'unwanted' or unwelcome on the forum, I'd suggest the removal of downrating. We should all feel entitled to be ourselves and present our opinions in our own ways without fearing repercussions because you may rub someone the wrong way through the frequent online misinterpretation. As stated before, in my opinion, downrating is just not working as intended.
Even if nothing remedies this issue, I hope that all those affected know that I appreciate reading your meaningful thoughts, no matter how different they are from my perspective or preferred tone.
Edit: Forum Rating System = Forum Reputation System. Sorry for any confusion as I forgot that the two terms are interchangeable.