(06-16-2014 06:20 PM)Kayla Woodrunner Wrote: I actually wonder if the no color rule has more to do with Kittycats decisions as they may want to keep color cats only for the special cats they sell several times a year.
(06-16-2014 10:19 PM)Deer Thistle Wrote: From what I've gathered, there's one particular dev who would rather there not be any cats with fantasy fur outside of holiday kitties and FancieCatS.. I think that their opinion has more to do with the preference for natural-looking fur variants.
There's also the quite vocal minority to back this up whenever it's suggested on the forum. It's always because of this vocal minority preferring natural-looking fur variants as well.
Why can't we just have options on all ends of the spectrum to compliment everyone's catteries and choose to breed out what we like? Is this really so hard? Imo KittyCatS should do this; we haven't had any new menagerie tigers in over a year or so?, no new FancieCat discoveries since 2012, and no new breeds since the Pandie over a year ago..this would be a perfect opportunity to rock the boat a bit and get people excited with a fantasy fur breed.
Amen!, colors are fun, playful and attractive I think.
Not to mention, if the wish for colored cats alone isn't enough reason to do it, I am positive a whole new type of people will be attracted to breed KC's teens are merged with the main grid as well for example.
When I was new in 2011 I saw a pink chateau on a bidboard she had prism eyes and I was madly in love.
This cat was the first one which teased a lot of money out of my pocket while I was no spender yet.
I had to battle for her because many many people hawked her.
It is just so cute such realistic kitty in movement and all in Pink it really touched me.
I joined KittyCatS! During the RFL Seasons of Hope special and I loved loved loved loved them in their colorful vibrance and still do.
I was increadibly disappointed I could not breed them together and get a baby Seasons of Hope kitten.
For this it took longer to get really attached to KittyCatS!
I wanted colored cats so bad.
I think the hardest unrealistic part which took two years to grow on me were shades and still I use them carefully just so lines don't get effected by shades I want to keep as pets.
Thank God for the most recessive Blush we can barely see that is the way to get rit of prominent shades if we don't want them.
But especially Illume and Glitter were just shocking to me as Kitty noob and long after.
Just as the Fire and Rain, Passion, Fire, Key Lime, Purple Rain and Midnight Sky those eyes freaked me out while I adore them today.
The Chateau Pink was never subject to this I loved that kitty right away.