RE: Suggestion: Special Starters for colored furs
I didn't realize people were against color to that extent. However, I still hold to the standard that they can trade or sell. They are probably in the minority (and they may also be people who want to keep the price of pink chats up since that is the only nonreal color cat so if no other nonreal color cat is introduced, it keeps the pink chats price higher for those who want a special cat). That same minority would probably kill for a fancie cat if someone offered one to them. It is unfair to punish one minority (the ones who want a few more color cats) because of another's minority desires (the few that want only realistic cats even though they may be vocal).
I actually wonder if the no color rule has more to do with Kittycats decisions as they may want to keep color cats only for the special cats they sell several times a year. There can't be any real objections to color if people line up to buy the color cats even if they don't pass. I don't like getting starter cats any more due to dealing with the genesis traits during breeding -- so hard to get rid of (although this year's genesis furs are so cute with the little hearts and socks so I make exception for the furs this year). However, the flower and shower cats were so colorful and beautiful, of course, I jumped at the chance to get them even though I know they are genesis underneath. The birthday cats are colorful and tons of people searched for them. I realize that all those cats have genesis underneath but since people are getting them, it is pretty obvious that people like color. Kittycats may be choosing not to do color because they want more people to buy (or hunt for ) specials as right now it is the only way to get color. It shows how desperate we are for color because we buy it even knowing it won't pass. This alone shows the majority like a little fantasy color.