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Thursday 3PM auction with Fayte
06-12-2014, 02:17 PM
Post: #3
RE: Thursday 3PM auction with Fayte
Todays lineup includes:
? 7T RedTabby FancieDDcur/big / Porc/ Stub/ Ody1/ BlkFraz
? 9T Bengal Blk/ StrawBellMystSma/Glit/BigBoo/Ody1/BlkPlush/BgB
? 8T Oci-Choc/ Ody KaleCurSma/Ill/Myst/Fox/WhiPlush
? 7T MaineSilvTort/PlatMystSma/BigBoo.2ToneB&WCur
? 8T BengalBlk/ AppMyst/ Glit/Myst/PointSoftFold/WhiBoo
? 9T Oci Choc/ Ody DreamMyst Sma/ Flair/ Myst/ Round/ WhiMyst
? 7T BengalBlk/ LWCurSma/Myst/SoftFold/WhiMyst/ Toy


~Cutie's Kitties~
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RE: Thursday 3PM auction with Fayte - Cutie Rau - 06-12-2014 02:17 PM

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