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Full Version: Thursday 3PM auction with Fayte
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Thursdays @ 3PM THEMED KittyCatS auction with Fayte Moone.
Only at a LittLe BiT of EVERYTHING!

Podiums open so start pouring on in!

See you there!

Todays lineup includes:
? 7T RedTabby FancieDDcur/big / Porc/ Stub/ Ody1/ BlkFraz
? 9T Bengal Blk/ StrawBellMystSma/Glit/BigBoo/Ody1/BlkPlush/BgB
? 8T Oci-Choc/ Ody KaleCurSma/Ill/Myst/Fox/WhiPlush
? 7T MaineSilvTort/PlatMystSma/BigBoo.2ToneB&WCur
? 8T BengalBlk/ AppMyst/ Glit/Myst/PointSoftFold/WhiBoo
? 9T Oci Choc/ Ody DreamMyst Sma/ Flair/ Myst/ Round/ WhiMyst
? 7T BengalBlk/ LWCurSma/Myst/SoftFold/WhiMyst/ Toy
best in beach wear
Thursday 3PM THEMED KittyCatS auction with Fayte Moone!

This week's theme is best in FLOWERS And BUGS! So come buzz on down for some amazing kitties!

Heres just a taste of what we've got set up.


?RussB/ocean perf/nat/fris/SF/wht myst
?CHOCTORT/TapOrg/BLUSH/plsh/round/silv myst
?BaliCr/MidSky perf/Glit/BB/BigBB/LATTE plsh
?BengB/app/glit/myst/BB/2TB&W guit

And more to come! I can't wait to see you there!

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