(06-09-2014 02:55 AM)Vrem Vaniva Wrote: (06-09-2014 01:54 AM)anna acanthus Wrote: Whatever the intentions behind Hathor's remark it's read on face value and on face value it's highly inflammatory so of course it's offensive to anyone who cares about the human condition in general.
I can say i know Dimpz pretty well by now and anyone else who does will also know that any "holier than thou' attitude has absolutely no place in her personality, quite the opposite in fact.
… Maybe if you knew Hathor pretty well you would be equally sympathetic and willing to give the benefit of the doubt. I don't know either very well.
If you read my post again you'll see that i did qualify by saying " whatever her intentions …" which does in fact imply a certain benefit of the doubt.
I have spoken to her and i know that she is bright and has an eccentric and volatile nature (facts she has also already explained at length in this forum)
However, her remark remains unacceptable, to say the least ; one can not expect tolerance when one chooses to make an intolerant statement of such nature.