(06-04-2014 06:06 PM)Vrem Vaniva Wrote: How about consolidating some of these groups , as Felis and Crazy German are doing? Hopefully one can leave both Felis and Crazy German groups, and keep only the United Kitty Friends one.
You can actually leave the Felis and CGK groups as they have merged under UKF.
(06-04-2014 11:01 PM)Jackson Verlack Wrote: Right now what Im not sure people are noticing is happening, is that auctions became place to shop, not stalls, not small shops, but auctions. Place that should be for something extra, for something new, for something just "special hard working project" is turning to be a place to sell and buy pretty much anything.
I have noticed this too, breeders are using Auctions to sell their kitties to pay the rent, however I know that some breeders don't have any other option. Some breeders simply can't afford to pay store rent on top of food and milk as well as the land rent for where their kitties are. I have many a time bought almost an entire Auction of kitties not just because they were lovely kitties but because I know the breeders are having it tough with the market being how it is at the moment. I rarely place kitties at Auction now, only if I think the kitty is gorgeous or Auctioneers need help panel filling but I know others RELY on it to keep breeding.