(06-04-2014 04:16 PM)Ivy Norsk Wrote: it's a complicated topic, but I will simply say right now that People like to give KittyCats as gifts. I like to give KittyCats as gifts.
But if you said pay so much minimum this wouldn't work. And if you said, minimum OR Free, then people could game the system.
At some point when a cat is bought/sold or traded it passes through the inventory. There is no way around that. They can be tracked or we would not be able to get them back. They belong temporarily to kittycats when they are transferred as the files get transferred. If there was a monitoring system that allowed for transfer only if the min was met then the cats would have to start selling at that min. Lets say for the price you would buy a ZERO trait cat at kittycats shop.
This is 2015 . They can track when I take my next bathroom break (trust me i wanted to use harsher words) They can track space craft into the outer darkness of space. This is property we are talking about. Like land. We own these creatures. They are not real..they are computer programs... for heaven sakes we can track live animals why not track the cats. Or licence the buyers...have a code they ahve to enter when a cat goes from their inventory to another's...
There are always ways. I am not saying it would happen tomorrow but lets say 6months from now. are you friggin kidding me. If i can brainstorm this many ways to track something in 5 minutes software and designing wizards ought to be able to track the min price on a friggin cat.
There is no excuse. They do it in the real world on products much more valuable and much more difficult to track...why can't they find a solution. It's gonna bite them in the ass when people stop breeding and stop buying food and word gets out that the market is dead and there is no real reason to breed because its only the people that find the fur and for the first 2 weeks that its valuable.
Im mean jesus...i bought snowcreams..to pull to sell. When i bought them 2 weeks ago they were double what they are now...how can i make it if im paying twice as much as im selling for. So now everyone is over snowcreams and we are on to abby chocolates...torties are becoming a thing of the past ...or soon will be.
The value of any object is what one is willing to pay for it. Period. If nobody wants to pay for the cats...and I have to pay for food and milk and the store and the advertising and the bloody breeding cats themselves...there is no point whatsoever to the voyage except to get seasick. The reason no one wants to pay for them is because they are not even valued by the makers and breeders of the damned things.
OMG... i get so frustrated...and i don't see how its not possible.
HOW about... a Kitty Cats market
like SL Market
everyone gets a store...and the pice is monitored...not the top end...the bottom line ...thats all i care about is the bottom line.
I don't care if you want to pay 22k for a cat. I do care that you can't fork out 600l for a cat that cost me 2 to 3000 to produce at the end of the day.
I think there is a solution but people have to be open minded and not pigheaded about the fact that there NEEEDDDS to be one.
Anyway..i need to put the damned soap box away again...
bloody hell.