Quote:What price is okay in your eyes for selling a simple, cute cat for, regardless of traits? Or is it only the 9Ters going for the offending 100L that needs to be banned?...snip...Are you suggesting that KittyCatS itself should find a way to regulate the prices on the secondary market? I didn't understand the 'they' that I italicized in what I quoted but interpreted that way.
Ohh Deer! Your question is one that comes up soo often in RL. Of course these are not sentient beings, but strictly from a marketing perspective, it is often asked about in RL...In SL as in RL, over regulation is a slippery slope. That being said, there are ways to approach it the way we do in RL. Perhaps if KC had an option to sell kitties "breedable" as opposed to "pets" which cannot be bred. The non breedable ones you sell could be priced a bit lower pehaps.
Someone messaged me privately for clarification of my statement that I would Menagerie a kitty/box before i sell it for such ridiculous prices..Its as simple as why in RL i use spay/neuter agreements and the result is that i *never* did see my prefix on any shelter dogs even after 17 yrs of rescue and rehoming all breeds!..Here it just means that my kitties would be less likely to end up in the pedigree of a "box'o'kitties" i see at some boards. If a buyer cannot breed it, my hard work is protected from being devalued and only those who dont mind their breeding efforts sold for much less than starters will turn up in Box'O'Kitties.
I guess its like a virtual spay/neuter. I would imagine that such a thing might drive the point home more clearly when shoppers begin 'reading the labels', so to speak, looking for 'brand names' they trust for quality rather than just buying the cheapest.
Quote:If so, how could KittyCatS determine what's a reasonable price for each cat? There's so many factors to decide even in all nine traits such as retiredness, recessive, dominance, desired aesthetics, etc.
Thats simple...alot of us have a rule of thumb per trait depending on the age and availability and desirability of the traits - then add something for size and if its among the most recessives. I think, however, that one clear point is that a kitty should not go for around 10L/trait. It Does devalue the cat and all the hard working breeders who made it possible to develop so many beautiful cats and combos.