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New Traits Too Often ?
04-24-2014, 10:33 PM
Post: #15
RE: New Traits Too Often ?
Just stating as an individual who doesn't partake in the secondary market much anymore and lacks that competitive flair that may make a person more emotionally-driven in-game...please, bring on the new traits. Often. Whenever possible. I love breeding and I love seeing new traits, even if I'm not the owner or discoverer. I neither am the first to discover nor do I find new traits anymore due to not putting as much money into the releases as I used to (I love KittyCatS but I'm way, way busier RL than I was in 2011-2013 to manage such a massive cattery) and I accept that. I'm not bitter at all, it's just the reality of the situation; you get out what you put in, and even then it's a major gamble in this game. I also don't mind waiting it out a bit on the secondary market to acquire a new trait that piques my interest.

More or less at its core, KittyCatS is a game for breeding interactive cats and making beautiful combinations into long-term goals (or short-term, if lucky!), not about making money to support a person's SL and RL. It's wonderful to earn money on the side too to support the hobby - I know this very well - but that shouldn't conflict with progressing the game through the introduction of new traits.

To be honest, I remember seeing a thread like this a year or so ago when I was very active in the secondary market and had the ability to religiously attend multiple auctions per week, and I still felt this way. I couldn't understand why anyone wouldn't be excited about new traits. New traits equal new opportunities to make new combinations for our beloved KittyCatS, we should all be excited for this aspect alone. Smile

PS: This game isn't linear and acquiring the most recent recessive fur isn't really 'catching up'; the game is open-ended and allows breeders to pick and choose their goals. You aren't more progressed by finding the most recessive fur unless you make that your personal goal. Some people prefer to breed dominant traits while others strive to create the most recessive cat possible, some people don't even factor in dominant versus recessive traits, they just breed what they deem beautiful and turn it into a goal. Just because your personal goal conflicts with the newest fur discovery, Abyssinian - Dark Chocolate, happening to be recessive doesn't mean that the remainder of KittyCatS players should lose the possibility of new traits in order for those niche recessive breeders to 'catch up.' If anything, we should celebrate the addition of this new fur to our game no matter its dominant/recessive stance as it's one more addition on the trait palette for community members to work with if they find the fur compelling. Heart

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