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Can't they stay inside? -_-
10-02-2011, 10:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2011 07:46 AM by Ciel Reikaz.)
Post: #1
Can't they stay inside? -_-
Honestly, I find it extremely annoying that I can't let any of my cats walk around without the risk of them getting lost because it's impossible to keep them inside. I've kept them in 3 different houses and no matter where their home is, no matter how low their range, no matter how much space they have to walk around, they escape the house. Every single day. Multiple times a day. Constantly.

I just moved one of my cats to our newest area and really thought the build and layout would keep him from getting outside. Within hours I find him out there. So I bring him back inside, set his range really low. Then not only does he escape the house but somehow manages to escape a 50x50 skydome the house is inside and end up 100m below us where I could only find him using area search. Needless to say I'm never letting him move again. I've seen how they manage to do this... they run really fast at a wall and then eventually pop right through it.

If there's no way to stop them from going right through all obstacles, I really suggest there be two separate buttons on the menu for walk and run so we can turn run off without making them unable to walk at all...
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Can't they stay inside? -_- - Ciel Reikaz - 10-02-2011 10:52 PM

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