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Please add In World Pedigree checkbox for all
11-07-2013, 06:44 PM
Post: #13
RE: Please add In World Pedigree checkbox for all
Adding my vote of confidence, "Yes, Please, KC, make it so!"
Please add inworld pedigree link enabling for all cats!

And as another breeder wrote earlier in the thread, "Who's trying to hide it?" NodNodNod heartily! Why would we want to hide pedi info? I mean ... unless the kitty has (shudder) a Skeleton in the Closet! (and ... being a descendant of a Skelecat would not be a bad thing Smile )

I shudder to think of having to go through all those clicks for each of several hundred boxes. It's not that "clicking is hard," but rather, it's one more thing that can add "gratuitous time-consuming-ness" to the kitty experience.

I am noticing how some things require a ton of extra clicks and waitings ... each kitty page takes a while to load ... during which time you have to watch the spinning thing go around, and sometimes the page doesn't load. Even looking at a pedigree page makes you do a gratuitious click for "View this kitty's pedigree?" Like ... yeah, why did I click a million things to get to this page if i didn't want to view this kitty's pedigree? why are you asking me again?
Other gratuitous time-consuming-nesses:
*being asked if you're male or female , every single time you go to pet a cat. Give each cat a "memory" so that it knows the gender of its owner? Or maybe use unisex cat-petting poses? After all this time ... my cats should know my gender.
*having the prices removed from the boxes if a for-sale kitty is sent to cattery or updated. (this one could be impossible to fix from within KC, though).
* the fact that kitties don't gain happiness while being walked, only cuddled/held -- this limitation rules out a lot of other activities ... things you can't do while humoring a kitty. It's hard to build or ... do photos or make stuff ... and KC DOES want kitty owners to continue to be productive citizens, right? so don't disable our avatars when we pay attention to kitties . There's really no good reason why the kitty can't become happier while attached as walking-buddy -- except maybe to reinforce the idea that kitties don't have owners, they have staff. Liberate our little avatar-bodies so we can get something done while snurgling them?

Summary of the above: yes, pleeze, make a global "enable inworld pedigree" button that only has to be clicked once!
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 Thanks given by: Quantic Kimono , Ryanna Enfield
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RE: Please add In World Pedigree checkbox for all - Vrem Vaniva - 11-07-2013 06:44 PM

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