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Please add In World Pedigree checkbox for all

Hi Guys... the title says everything.
I am trying to enable pedigree view for many of my cats but I tend to give up as I have to do it one by one and when returning to the previous page I no longer have the sorting I made previously enabled. This makes it very difficult and I keep on giving up along the way everytime I try to have it for all the cats I have breeding atm.
This should be easy to implement and would make our lifes easier Smile would give us more time to enjoy the company of our adorable KittyCats friends.


Is this a button that would eliminate the need for a

rubber fish or something with a pedigree script in it?

So somebody can just click your cat and get the info?

A twenty cat rack takes a bonus twenty prim hit

when you 'pedigree fish' the whole bunch.

Not sure why this info isnt available with or without a button.

Who's trying to hide it?

The person with the lame, cemented in genesis tail?


Sooner or later your secrets will be revealed.



Signs this at the bottom with a smiley fish face.


Now I can't stop laughing Winter Big Grin
I agree 100% ... life would be so much easier and my shop could free up prims that I use for pedigree givers if there was a single checkbox to allow pedigree links on all my kitties. Smile

When I try doing this for each single kitty on my Pedigree page, I get this huge headache that lasts for daysssss, lol Smile

I realize this is not for everyone... but for me, it would be HeAvEn! Angel
(10-12-2013 10:38 AM)Quantic Kimono Wrote: [ -> ]Please add In World Pedigree checkbox for all

Hi Guys... the title says everything.
I am trying to enable pedigree view for many of my cats but I tend to give up as I have to do it one by one and when returning to the previous page I no longer have the sorting I made previously enabled. This makes it very difficult and I keep on giving up along the way everytime I try to have it for all the cats I have breeding atm.
This should be easy to implement and would make our lifes easier Smile would give us more time to enjoy the company of our adorable KittyCats friends.


If you use a middle button double-click to open the individual pedigrees, it actually opens the detail view in a new window (or at least mine does), so that I don't lose my sorting on the original pedigree listing. I do this a lot when i'm taking pictures of pedi's before i send the kitties to playland. I'll have 10+ open in detail mode without ever messing with my sorted main listing.

That said, I'd still love one box that I can check that does them all!!! Or at least a default setting from now on that we can choose as 'on' or 'off'.
(10-12-2013 10:38 AM)Quantic Kimono Wrote: [ -> ]Please add In World Pedigree checkbox for all

Hi Guys... the title says everything.
I am trying to enable pedigree view for many of my cats but I tend to give up as I have to do it one by one and when returning to the previous page I no longer have the sorting I made previously enabled. This makes it very difficult and I keep on giving up along the way everytime I try to have it for all the cats I have breeding atm.
This should be easy to implement and would make our lifes easier Smile would give us more time to enjoy the company of our adorable KittyCats friends.


Well if you can bear to, try with Safari, it actually doesn't lose the sorting when one pages back, at least something it gets right for once.
On Lion anyhow, not sure for Windows.

But thumbs up anyhow for a default show all button, would make life so much easier.
On iPhone it does work with safari. Not with chrome not IE. But I refuse to use a mobile to be able to work properly with this... Not very user friendly is it? Smile
*votes* yessss a checkbox for ALL would be so awesome! would save us alot of time AND alot of prims AND a lot of nerves! xoxo
Yes please! I want this option very much. One less headache to deal with. Sometimes it ticks and sometimes it doesn't. I just want the option to show all my kitty's pedigrees. Pretty please? Heart
I would really love a In World pedigree check box for all my kittys.

*two paws up*
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