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Spacing Limited Editions
03-30-2013, 05:27 PM
Post: #1
Question Spacing Limited Editions
I LOVE LOVE LOVE KittyCats, but one thing I noticed and maybe it will happen again this year, is that Halloween through Easter is almost non-stop starter season. Lots of limited edition releases, and almost before breeders can catch a breath, the next holiday has new kitty out.
Last two years, if I remember correctly, after Spring there weren't any new releases until Halloween leaving the summer kind of a long time between the limited editions.
The limited edition events are amazing and wonderful, but I wonder if maybe the spring/Easter kitties could be summer kitties - giving us something to look forward to in the summer, and also more spacing between limited edition kittens?
I'm not asking for less or more starters/limited editions, but maybe just them spaced out a little more throughout the year?
Maybe I am way off, but it just seem the last couple of years winter was "starter season" then summer was kind of dead in the secondary market since there weren't any new traits coming out.
Or am I forgetting something in summer?
In any case it just seems that by the time the spring kitties come out I'm feeling like "oh my gosh.... I still haven't figured out what my last 3 sets of starter kitties are hiding yet and now there more!"
I hope this doesn't come across as negative - because I LOVE KittyCats and the limited editions... just wondering if there was a way to space them out over the year more evenly?
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 Thanks given by: Susannah Luminos , Kayleigh McMillan , Devilness Chant , penfold83 Resident , Eurydice Barzane
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Spacing Limited Editions - Misa Delight - 03-30-2013 05:27 PM

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