RE: Nitpicking
What bothers me most was touched on in the first post: cats being named or advertised as hiding something they're not. If the owner is a new breeder, I tend to give them a pass, or if they're around, try to explain why that isn't possible.
However there are a few long-time breeders who DO know better that still advertise and sell based on misinformation. Any relatively experienced breeder would know that a foxie auburn cannot hide behind a burmese platinum, and anyone unsure can check the charts to verify it. However, new breeders don't know this. They see a known name selling a kitty for a high price and claiming it hides this fur or that trait and they believe it, because, hey, this established breeder surely knows that they're doing!
I myself will say a cat or box is hiding this fur or that trait, but only if I *know* through my own breeding of the line that is the case, if not better. And I am always willing to help a new breeder read a pedigree or help them figure out what they're looking at before buying, whether it's my cats or someone else's.
BTW: "The one that has been perplexing to me is Chat Black & White3 Ody Carnival +3 +2 What is that extra +# for?"
I take this to mean +3 hiding from one parent and +2 hiding from the other.. most people just combine the potential hiddens so this does seem a bit odd. :^)