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Couple Ideas I have been rolling around
01-10-2013, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2013 06:47 PM by Deer Thistle.)
Post: #7
RE: Couple Ideas I have been rolling around
(01-10-2013 06:03 PM)Balalika Ivanovic Wrote:  Im terribly sorry you feel that way about them. next time i wont be putting things on the forum in the future

Oh no! Don't let any opinions make you refrain from posting a legitimate suggestion on the forum, everyone always has a differing opinion whether from a RL stance or from something they don't agree with in the KC metagame and that's something to consider when posting, but isn't bad by any means, everyone sees things differently. Smile

I think what should be considered in your suggestion is that it's for KittyCatS, not real life - It's obvious you weren't trying to suggest KittyCatS adds a genetic disorder where 1/4 the cats end up deceased due to being born of a smaller size, you were suggesting that we potentially have another size added to our array of sizes in KittyCatS, much like we already have toys and teacups which aren't exactly the healthiest of sizes for pets to be RL-wise. I felt like you used the munchkin kitty as an example of a smaller kitty (and stockier) but I understood your point.

KittyCatS is a platform for idealism whether having super cute, healthy teacup-sized cats, cats seeming as though they're missing an eyeball (in a cute, quirky fashion! I love that Moldy Oldie kitty! Obviously this isn't something I'd revere RL.) with the Halloween kitties, or breedable bubblegum pink kitties who would have to undergo the displeasure of an unfair, RL dye job to obtain that fantasy fur color. There's an obvious difference between RL and KittyCatS.

This suggestion has come up quite a bit on the forum and yours just adds another perspective to potentially having another size available for kitties, whether it's called a "munchkin" or something else. And I'm all for it because there's definitely that gap between the toy and normal size and plenty of avatars (many suggest the 5-day old toddler size) who would love this size to compliment their proportions. Smile

[Image: ohdeersig.gif]
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 Thanks given by: Balalika Ivanovic , Eurydice Barzane , Sara Franco
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RE: Couple Ideas I have been rolling around - deerylou Resident - 01-10-2013 06:35 PM

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