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Couple Ideas I have been rolling around
01-10-2013, 12:42 PM
Post: #1
Couple Ideas I have been rolling around
I know everyone has their takes on what should be added to the kittycats line ups and what should not have been added. I cannot gripe a whole lot on the subject cause i think the staff and creators of these Lil beauties have been doing an amazing job. It wasn't til recently after talking with a new friend that i decided to throw a few of these ideas into the forums and see if i really am just a crazy cat lady lmao.

My idea would be along the lines of either a costume or a new size like the teacup or a toy that would randomly appear while breeding. I was thinking a munchkin cat would be an adorable choice that everyone would want. I know in real life i have never had one but always love the lil guys they are adorable (the reason i do not have one in real life is cause i cant find a good breeder or haven't found one in the shelters). For those of you who don't know what a munchkin is i have included a youtube link so you can find out what these cuties are: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rDCHxLh6IM

a couple other ideas i have can wait for another time this is one that has been on my mind since i started Kittycats. I just would love to atleast hear what you the Kittycats community has to say about thisHeartAngel

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Couple Ideas I have been rolling around - Balalika Ivanovic - 01-10-2013 12:42 PM

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