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The hunt for pussy, in a world filled with it.
01-07-2013, 02:50 AM
Post: #15
RE: The hunt for pussy, in a world filled with it.
Last night we were over 80 people (Some said 88!!) at my auction place at Too Adorable for the auction of Rocky's cats. It beat the previous record of 60-something people at my first "trait-talk" back in 2011, by FAR! With 61 panels in 2 hours I did not have time to count, but I'll bet that several records were beaten during this auction, and we sure gave Rocky QUITE a fond farewell!

Among the memorable records set I bet there are the following:

-Most cats auctioned off at 1 auction (60 panels, several panels had 2-3 cats)
-Most people gathered at an auction (Or ANY KittyCat-event, really)
-Most Linden-dollars exchanged during an auction (Didn't have time to count, but... Whoa!)
-Highest tip for a KittyCatS auctioneer (50K! Left me literally speechless. Thank you Rocky <3)
-Fastest auction, ever! (60 panels in 1 hour 55 minutes - less than 2 mins/panel)
-Highest bid-jumps (Minx & Adri's 10-15k-jumps particularly - but there were many!)

-And best damn cooperation and attitude in a crowd - everyone were prepared like we had asked, and everyone listened, sat down, detached scripts, prims, AO's and whatnot - not a single person stayed in the "red range" of the script counter once they were made aware of it. We proved beyond all doubt that even HUGE crowds in SL are possible if everyone cooperate to avoid movement, collisions, prims & scripts. -Even on a sim with hundreds and hundreds of cats ;-)
Thank you so much everyone for making this possible and memorable! <3

A special thank you to Kendrah for letting us almost burst the prim-, scripts- and people-limits on her sim, to Sanura for saving the seating-situation in the last moment, and to them both for "policing" movement, script-count and mics all during the auction, to Khea for making a HUGE sign to make everyone aware of the special rules and circumstances for this auction that became quite important in last moment, when we realized how huge a crowd was actually gathering. We were not prepared for THAT huge a success, but the cooperation from these people and the whole crowd saved us!

Last, but most importantly: Thank you Rocky for all the memorable moments - and for agreeing to this weird suggestion of mine to make this auction, even if we had no clue if it'd fail miserably. Your awesome super-cats are now spreading joy in catteries across the grid, and your pockets are heavy with lindens and appreciation from everyone :-) Without your hard work and preparation for this HUGE auction, it would not have been possible at all.
We had a memorable night that will go into KittyCatS history I am sure. Rocky's Last Auction is not soon forgotten!

Thank you, Rocky - see you around! <3


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 Thanks given by: Khea Karas , Sanura Snowpaw , Brandon Dawson
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RE: The hunt for pussy, in a world filled with it. - Saga Felix - 01-07-2013 02:50 AM

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