RE: Supporting other breeders versus grandparent rule at auctions
So, I tried to make a resolution to stop buying other people's KittyCats (among a few other things, the rest of which are not relevant here) for Lent but that resolution didn't last long. I saw a kitty at L$300 at an auction today with the Foxie Argyle fur, which always looks so soft and snuggly and which we don't see at auctions very often, and poof, resolution broken, another KittyCat purchased at auction. I just have to convince myself now to put off unpacking that kitty and pairing it with another Argyle until I finish some of my current breeding projects, which have resulted in lots of kitties to feed.
Realistically, I am not going to stop buying other people's cats! I have too low a resistance to temptation. :-) So, maybe I'll set up an occasional auction of my own, not too often, just once in a while.