Oh really? I know so very little about breeding. I am learning as I go along.
I have to tell you that I have been having female after female for the past 3 months. Not a male in sight. lol lol
What is N and N+1?
Thank you for your response
(01-11-2023 09:04 AM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: If it wants to breed and is not paired, it will "randomly" choose from the potential un-paired mates, or wait for one to become ready.
Charm and I used to use this behavior every few years to "stir the pot" putting N males and N+1 females in an area. Once the first random selection pairs up what it can, it becomes chose the next-male since there will always be a female ready and the system guarentees that eventually (in N+1 cycles) every male will have bred with every female once.