(03-30-2020 02:56 AM)Casey0105 Resident Wrote: I guess I'm in the minority of people working outside the home. I'm in the food industry, and instead of converting to take out, we're working with several programs to provide meals for school children (to replace the school breakfast and lunch programs) and with a senior program to provide shut in's meals.
It's a difficult time and was a difficult decision, and I question it daily... actually I question it much more often then that. The possibility that I'm putting myself or my employees at risk weighs heavily on me. All were given the option to stop working (to use accrued vacation and sick time until unemployment kicked in), to be honest I don't have enough hours to give everyone who wanted to continue earning. I'm rotating schedules but to take a schedule of 90+ people down to 10 or less working at a time has been daunting. I have protocols in place to ensure my employees are free of symptoms, and in addition to food safety guidelines we've added all new recommendations for contact free food service.
I wish I could see into the future, and know I made the best choices. When my morale plummets I try to remember the people that would go hungry right now without the service we're providing.
I think the one thing Id suggest is reaching out to the people who aren't quarantined or sheltered in place as well as those who are. We're all experiencing this virus in different ways, and sometimes just having the ability to talk about it makes a huge difference. So thank you Callie for this brilliant thread.
Potential health risks aside, I think it's wonderful that you've chosen to do this. I live in a small state with tons of children who rely on school programs to get many of their daily meals. My state also has a large elderly population who need assistance with their meals. It takes people like you to make sure those in need continue to eat. Keeping you and your staff in my thoughts that you all continue to stay safe and healthy.