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Corona Virus - how can we help?
03-25-2020, 06:14 PM
Post: #17
RE: Corona Virus - how can we help?
My situation is very difficult. Let's just say "single white female" part 2. Friday, i got pushed out to a homeless shelter, saturday, after i went back "home" to get a few more things, the other girlfriend spraypainted the doors to "my" area, and has made threats to kill my cats. She has had several psychotic moments since then. Currently she is in the hospital, so I can breathe a little easier, although i am missing my cats terribly, especially the one that is old, and might not have longer to live.

Terrible time to be pushed out, without an income, other than ebay reselling, which is now taken away from me on that, also, since i cannot do that from the shelter.

However, i have things to be grateful. Another co-girlfriend in the house, to protect my possessions and cats, and being there to be with him...even though I won't be any more. A roof over my head. Food (such as it may be...however, i brought food with, even though it's not amazing either). Internet, because my phone provider is giving free unlimited data til the 14th (I don't know what i will do after that).

And the most important....SL friends. And, my kittycats. I wish they would cooperate on the breeding...but they have been a tiny bit of a comfort, and the friends in the group, both who know about my situation and who don't. many people have come to purchase kittycats, some have been in my IM's when i needed to talk, and some of ya'll...just by giving me a place to laugh and be fyrebird when I don't want to adult and RL. Ya'll are amazing.

Callie, when you created Kittycats, you created a community. Some people talk about the cats and the comfort they give...but, it's the community you created. And in this time of need and trouble...we can all come together, and just support and be there for each other is wonderful. Thank you so very much for that. Love you, and FoxieCat, and all of the rest of the wonderful CSR's that keep this group moving....and sometimes in line...especially me.

*tosses a few cucumbers and purple crayons in, and runs off*
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 Thanks given by: Sannctuary Resident , Faith Rowley , Callie Cline , Calamity Hathaway , CheerfulTeacupCSR Resident , Saxoni Fenstalker , Eleanor8 Resident , Songdog Woolley , FoxieCat Resident , Garance Kidd , AstridSolace Resident , Markham Weatherwax , MizBehavn Resident , Evolving Yin
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RE: Corona Virus - how can we help? - Fyrebird Courier - 03-25-2020 06:14 PM

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