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New Fur: Tiger! - Shadow
12-29-2019, 05:39 AM
Post: #22
RE: New Fur: Tiger! - Shadow
Tiger! - Shadow dominant to Balinese - Lilac Lynx

refers you to the previous post where I had a baby from an Ocicat - Chocolate and a Tiger! - Shadow.
Today Bridgette passed her hidden fur and it was Balinese - Lilac Lynx

[Image: 3b712874a4b907f96b139abc0b1a5648.png]

Therefore the baby from the last post hides either Ocicat - Choclate or Balinese - Lilac Lynx making TIger! - Shadow dominant to Balinese - Lilac Lynx.
Baby is a week old so with any luck we will find out what his hid actually is next week Smile

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RE: New Fur: Tiger! - Shadow - Arwen Swordthain - 12-29-2019 05:39 AM

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